Franklin D. Roosevelt
First president to be inaugurated on January 20 (per the Twentieth Amendment).
First president to appoint a woman (Frances Perkins) to a Cabinet post.
First president to visit Haiti.
First president to appear five times on a national ticket, a record tied by Richard Nixon.
First president to appear on television.
First president to serve more than two terms.
First president to establish a presidential library
First president to veto more than 600 bills.
First president to issue more than 250 pocket vetoes.
First president to visit South America while in office.
First president to fly in an airplane while in office.
First president to make a transatlantic flight.
First president to fly for state business in 1943.
First president to visit Iran.
First president to visit Africa in office.
First president to establish the "First 100 Days" benchmark and tradition.
First president to be named TIME Person of the Year.
First president to meet with a king of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud in 1945.
First president to visit the Soviet Union.
First president to use a wheelchair.
First president to have a child born in Canada.