Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
First president born in a log cabin.
First president to be older than the previous president.
First president born to immigrant parents.
First president to be inaugurated on the East Portico of the U.S. Capitol, facing the Library of Congress and Supreme Court.
First president to pay off the entire National Debt.
First president born after the death of his father.
First president elected as a Democrat to the presidency.
First president to marry a divorced woman.
First president to kill someone[w] in a duel.
First president to survive an assassination attempt while in office.
First president born in the Carolinas.
First president to ride on a railroad train.
First president to be censured by the US Senate, although it was expunged in 1837.
First president to have previously administered the Oath of Office to a vice president of the United States (John C. Calhoun).
First president to die outside of the original 13 colonies.
First president to be a resident of Tennessee.
First president to win an election despite losing his birth state.
First president to defeat a former Speaker of the House of Representatives.