Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding
First president born after the Civil War.
First president to have been a publisher.
First president to have been a lieutenant governor.
First president to be elected while being a sitting U.S. senator.
First president to learn about his victory over the radio.
First president to be elected on his birthday.
First president elected after women gained the right to vote.
First president to ride to and from his inauguration in a car.
First president to appoint a former president (William Howard Taft) to the Supreme Court.
First president to give his inaugural address over an amplified system.
First president to own and install a radio in the White House.
First president to learn to drive a car.
First president to visit Canada while in office.
First president to predecease his father.
First president to be heard on a radio broadcast, over Navy radio station NOF in Anacostia, D.C.
First president to use the term Founding Fathers.