Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
First president born in Ohio.
First president born after the War of 1812.
First president to have both parents alive during his presidency
First president to be outlived by all of his children.
First president to appear with a moustache in office.
First president to veto more than fifty bills.
First president to visit Ireland, Egypt, China, and Japan. (In 1878–1879, after leaving the presidency.)
First president to publish his memoirs.
First president to issue more than 40 pocket vetoes.
First president to issue more than 100 executive orders
First president to attend a synagogue service while in office
First president to have served in the American Civil War.
First president to host an Indian Chief in the White House.
First president to approve of and sign in a National Park.
First president to set aside federal land for wildlife protection.
First president to be placed under arrest. (Arrested for speeding, after getting a warning the day before. The President was a fan of fast horses and loved racing them down the streets of Washington.)